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Daytona Beach
125 Executive Circle, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Monday β Thursday 7:30AM β 5:00PM
Friday 8:00AM β 4:30PM
800 W. Plymouth Ave, Suite A, Deland, FL 32720
Monday β Thursday 7:00AM β 6:00PM
Friday: CLOSED
Closed for Lunch 1:00PM β 2:00PM
840 Deltona Blvd., Suite K, Deltona, FL 32725
Wednesdays by appointment only.
Palm Coast
160 Cypress Point Parkway, Suite B302, Palm Coast, FL 32164
Monday β Friday 8:30AM β 4:30PM
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Employee Directory
Chief Executive Officer
DJ Lebo β 386-317-3350 β djlebo@elcfv.orgChief Operating Officer
Heather DiRenzo β 386-317-3349 β hdirenzo@elcfv.orgChief Program Officer
Allison Miller β 386-317-3352 β amiller@elcfv.orgExecutive Assistant - CEO
Cynthia Brown - 386-233-2558 -cbrown@elcfv.orgExecutive Assistant - COO & CPO
Krista Sullivan β 386-233-2557 β ksullivan@elcfv.orgHuman Resources Generalist
Sandra Perez β 386-233-2520 β sperez@elcfv.orgSupervisor of Data Services
Audrey Roughgarden β 386-492-0964 β aroughgarden@elcfv.orgData Coordinator
Aditya Manne - 386-233-2534 - amanne@elcfv.orgSupervisor of IT Services
Garfield Morgan β 386-317-3360 β gmorgan@elcfv.orgIT Specialist
Victoria Ayodele β 386-233-2477 β vayodele@elcfv.org -
Director of Administrative Services
Melanie Barclay β 386-317-3355 β mbarclay@elcfv.org
Administrative Specialist - Administrative Services
Kristin Suros β 386-233-2530 - ksuros@elcfv.orgGrants Coordinator
Brett Ferguson β 386-317-3351 β bferguson@elcfv.org -
Director of Community Engagement
Melissa Mason β 386-233-2555 β mmason@elcfv.orgSupervisor of Community Engagement
August Kummerfeldt β 386-233-2533 β akummerfeldt@elcfv.orgCommunications Coordinator
Serena Piper β 386-317-3354β spiper@elcfv.orgCommunity Engagement Coordinator
Ashley Anderson β 386-317-3380 β aanderson@elcfv.orgCommunity Engagement Specialist
Kelsey Avignon β 386-624-0692 β kavignon@elcfv.orgCustomer Service Coordinator
Nona Wright β 386-317-3362 β nwright@elcfv.orgHelp Me Grow Outreach Coordinator
Leticia Garner β 386-233-2535 β lgarner@elcfv.orgLiteracy Coordinator
Erica Garris β 386-317-3374 β egarris@elcfv.orgLiteracy Specialist
Priscilla Bennett - 386-233-2539 - pbennett@elcfv.org -
Director of Family Services
Kim Kania β 386-317-3381 β kkania@elcfv.orgSupervisor of Developmental Health
Tressa Sharp β 386-317-3382 β tsharp@elcfv.orgBehavioral Health Coordinator
Ellyn Minnich β 386-317-3368 β eminnich@elcfv.orgBehavioral Health Specialist
Karetta Watts-Roundtree β 386-317-3375 β kroundtree@elcfv.orgDevelopmental Health Lead Specialist
Micky Beauregard β 386-317-3371 β mbeauregard@elcfv.orgDevelopmental Health Specialists
Crystal Burns β 386-317-3386 β cburns@elcfv.org
Lynn King β 386-317-3732 β lking@elcfv.orgDevelopmental Health Supports Specialists
Frieda Muriello β 386-317-3384 β fmuriello@elcfv.org
Gericka Smith - 386-317-3342 - gsmith@elcfv.orgSupervisor of Eligibility
Delores Feliciano β 386-317-3378 β dfeliciano@elcfv.orgEligibility Coordinator
Madison Corkrum β 386-317-3385 β mcorkrum@elcfv.orgEligibility Lead Specialists
Erin Beckton β 386-317-3377 β ebeckton@elcfv.org
Angie Bush β 386-624-0693 β abush@elcfv.orgEligibility Specialists
Stephanie Bricker β 386-317-3344 β sbricker@elcfv.org
Diedre Brown β 386-233-2559 β dbrown@elcfv.org
Abby Eisner β 386-317-3372 β aeisner@elcfv.org
Mary Guirguis β 386-624-0695 β mguirguis@elcfv.org
Vonda McCaskell β 386-317-3383 β vmccaskell@elcfv.orgSite Supervisor
Cindy Adams β 386-624-0691 β cadams@elcfv.org -
Director of Financial Services
Leonardo Almanza - 386-317-3359 - lalmanza@elcfv.orgSenior Accountant
Michelle Wallens - mwallens@elcfv.org
Accounting Specialist
Julie Koslik - 386-317-3358 - jkoslik@elcfv.orgPurchasing Coordinator
Jakayla Watts - 386-233-2529 - jwatts@elcfv.org -
Director of Provider Supports
Jancy Long β 386-317-3373 β jlong@elcfv.orgSupervisor of Provider Supports
Jennifer Craft - 386-317-3369 - jcraft@elcfv.orgAssessment Coordinator
Michelle Kadas - 386-317-3365 β mkadas@elcfv.org
Assessment Specialists
Sarai Griffith β 386-317-3376 β sgriffith@elcfv.org
Rebekah Lay β 386-233-2528 βrlay@elcfv.org
Heather Thompson β 386-317-3367 β hthompson@elcfv.orgCompliance Specialists
Kathy Bell β 386-233-2527 β kbell@elcfv.org
Kim Burrows β 386-317-3363 β kburrows@elcfv.org
Tammy Ostuni β 386-317-3348 β tostuni@elcfv.org
Brigette Stone - 386-233-2542 - bstone@elcfv.org -
Director of Quality Impact
Pam Mitchell β 386-317-3343 β pmitchell@elcfv.orgSupervisor of Quality Impact
Emily Yaffe β 386-233-2531 β eyaffe@elcfv.orgQuality Impact Coordinator
Karen Hurley β 386-317-3370 β khurley@elcfv.orgQuality Impact Specialists
Teina Ellia β 386-233-2554 β tellia@elcfv.org
Jamie Iraci β 386-233-2556 β jiraci@elcfv.org
Samantha Suttie β 386-233-2553 β ssuttie@elcfv.orgWorkforce Coordinator
McKenna Terrill β 386-233-2536 β mterrill@elcfv.org